How To Renew California Medical Marijuana Card Online

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How to Renew California Medical Marijuana Card in 2024

  • Gather the required items:

    • Completed MMIC renewal form
    • Proof of identity, such as a California driver's license, California ID, or other valid government-issued photo ID
    • Copy of your medical recommendation
    • Proof of California residency, such as a utility bill, rental or mortgage agreement, or California DMV motor vehicle registration
    • Physician's attestation form
    • Payment of the applicable fee
  • Visit your local county health office: Submit all the required items to your local county health office.

  • Wait for approval: The renewal process may take up to 5 weeks to complete.

How Often Do You Have to Renew Your California Medical Marijuana Card?

The California medical marijuana card must be renewed annually. The card may be valid for up to one year, and the primary caregiver’s card will expire when the patient’s card expires.

When To Renew Your Medical Card in California?

It is advisable to begin the renewal process before the expiration date of your current medical marijuana card. This ensures that there is no interruption in your ability to legally purchase and use medical cannabis.

What Is The Cost To Renew Medical Marijuana Card in California?

Renewing a California medical marijuana card costs between $20 and $100. The California Department of Public Health stipulates that no county program may charge more than $100. Patients who are beneficiaries of the Medi-Cal program receive a 50% discount, and those in the California Medical Services Program (CMSP) can have their fees waived.

Do I Need To See a Doctor To Renew My Medical Marijuana Card in California?

Yes, you need a valid prescription from your physician to renew your California medical marijuana card. If your previous medical documentation is still valid and will not expire within a year, you may use it again. The attending physician must hold a valid license issued by either the Osteopathic Medical Board or the Medical Board of California.

What Happens If My California Medical Marijuana Card Expires?

If your California medical marijuana card expires, you will no longer be legally allowed to purchase or use medical cannabis. It is essential to renew your card before its expiration to avoid any legal issues and ensure continuous access to medical cannabis.

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